Cash Balance Plan Experts

Jeffrey R. Mason

Managing Director

Christopher L. Hammond

Managing Director

Path to Massive Annual TAX Deductions

For Business Owners & Professional Practices

Concept Design Software

Get your free Concept Design NOW

To see how you can take annual 6-figure Tax Deductions on your business

Our Redwood model solution is superior to a standard cash balance plan, showing:

  • Path to maximum owner benefits modeled with our N E X T software

  • High value proposition of costs to owner benefits demonstrate

  • Covered protection during nest egg accumulation

  • Optimum latitude and flexibility for annual funding

  • Stable low volatility investment policy for maximum control & tax reduction ROI

  • Optimized compensation plan for maximum limits and greatest payroll tax reduction

Tailored to your business success for immediate & long-term favorable tax impact

About Jeff

Working in the retirement plan field for over 25 years, Jeff is a founding ​owner of two actuarial consulting firms and a licensed life agent. Jeff drives ​business solutions by forming strong relationships with Tax Specialist CPA’s, ​Financial Advisors, and business owners.

He understands the tax burden business owners are saddled with and works ​with these groups to illuminate a solution that dramatically cuts the current ​tax bill year after year and instead leverages those obligations to fuel a ​muti-million dollar nest egg for retirement, and protecting business owners ​with our innovative solutions.


Our Offer

Ta​ilored Design

Gradient that fades to transparency

Solution is fit to your tax reduction ​needs and the operation of your ​professional practice or business.

Our model will show you the full ​advantage of this solution net of all ​costs and illuminate the dramatic ​tax ​savings you are able to realize.

Planning Ex​pertise

We built our N E X T planning ​software to model your plan and ​show you the full scope of latitude ​our solution affords you over your ​entire retirement plan time horizon.

The degree of control is ​unparalleled.

Gradient that fades to transparency

Annual Actua​rial

Our firm designs, implements, and ​manages your IRS tax-advantaged ​solution annually, ensuring all IRS ​filings and compliance with ​retirement and tax law, certified by ​our team of actuaries and ​consultants. We work and adapt ​with your business and objectives.

Gradient that fades to transparency

About Chris

30 years in the retirement plan field. Chris is co-owner with Jeff in two actuarial ​consulting firms, a licensed life agent, and a licensed investment advisor.

Driven by an intense need to formulate a highly adaptable solution for business ​owners, Chris engineers our N E X T planning model and provides ongoing ​consulting to our clients. Working directly with our actuaries and doing a deep dive ​on annual actuarial valuations and funding illustrations, he guides our clients with ​the solution model and carefully educates them to understand how to navigate it.

With the constant barrage of high taxes and cashflow considerations, Chris makes ​sure to position our clients for optimal success.



A Group of People Having a Meeting in the Office

An IRS tax qualified retirement plan

Allows business owners to rapidly build their NEST EGG

• Dwarfs owner contributions to a 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan

• 6 to 7 figure annual tax-deductible employer contributions

• Multimillion-dollar cap on what can be accumulated per owner

• Combined with Profit-sharing plan to leverage for maximum owner benefits

• Permanent tax deductions for benefit contributions to employees


Our team of actuaries, analysts, and plan consultants tune our solution model to ​your needs. Not only when built on the front end, but year to year as we administer ​the plan & consult in conjunction with your team of advisors, agents, and CPA’s. ​The mission of Redwood Retirement Specialists is reducing tax liabilities of small ​business owners & professional practice owners while accumulating wealth.

Our expertise is in leveraging Cash Balance pension plans for your benefit in the ​most tax effective way, better than anyone else.

We Tailor The Design Solution To You

CONTACT Jeffrey Mason to discuss further 815.516.0560 |

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4320 Spring Creek Rd. Suite 114 Rockford, IL 61107


Redwood Retirement Specialists, LLC